Welcome to CIF Morocco!
Arrival Friday, May 05, 2017 / Departure Friday, May 19, 2017
- – The two weeks program includes :
Orientation / agency visits and placements / host family living / experience in a multicultural group / evaluation and farewell event. - – Number of participants two to four (2-4)
- – Participants should be professional in human services with basic training and a minimum of two years of professional experience in social field
- – knowledge of both French and English and if possible Arabic
- – Application for each candidate with photo
- – Application deadline: 31st January 2017
- – Participants pay their travel expenses from their country to Rabat ( the capital) and back
- – Participants are required to apply in their country for a personal insurance covering medical and emergency expenses before arrival to the country
- – CIF Morocco is responsible for securing room and board and the domestic travels when related to the program, if necessary.
- – Participant fees in the cost of the program is : 350 EurosEmail :cifmaroc2014@gmail.com /elboudiri@hotmail.com / face book :CIF Morocco-CIF 1 Maroc / tel: +212(0) 661.514.102
- – Application forms should be sent to CIF Morocco President Abdel-Aziz ELBoudiri (Oujda is CIF Moroccan headquarters’) through your national branch or Contact Person of your country and if not possible through the NB & CP , please send your application directly to the following emails: Cifmaroc2014@gmail.com Cifmorocco.president@gmail.com
- – Name of the person responsible for the program in Rabat-Sale 2017 is: Mohammed ELAIDI (treasurer of CIF Morocco) Mobile number +212(0)667320471 / Home number +212(0)537536701For further information about the program in Rabat-Sale please contact CIF Morocco at:
Cifmorocco.treasurer@gmail.com ( French speaking) Cifmorocco.president@gmail.com ( English and French speaking)
Email: cifmaroc2014@gmail.com /elboudiri@hotmail.com
Facebook: CIF Morocco-CIF Maroc
Tel: +212(0) 661.514.102